充电桩行业接连迎政策利好 核心设备商将中长期受益
Skiing on snow and dancing on ice, a winter sports fever is again being felt across China and beyond. Chongli in the north of Hebei Province is a district of Beijing 2022 co-host city Zhangjiakou. It has attracted snow enthusiasts from all over the world to enjoy the charm of skiing in the 2022-2023 ice and snow season。
Currently, cold snow and ice has become the venue of a hot sport. Chongli boasts many large ski resorts. They include the Thaiwoo Ski Resort, the Wanlong Paradise Resort, the Fulong Four Seasons Resort, the Olympic Park, the Cuiyunshan International Resort and the Duolemei Holiday Resort. With 169 ski slopes totaling 162 kilometers, Chongli can meet the needs of all ski tourists and has become an ideal place for snow lovers to go。
In this ski fever, more participants are beginners. They become ski enthusiasts simply because of the influence of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Hearing that the Thaiwoo Ski Resort is completely built in the style of European and American ski towns and has the largest training area in Asia for beginners, ski lover Adrian Young can"t wait to try it by himself. How does he feel about skiing there? Let"s follow him to have a look!
总策划:张 才 赵 兵 丁 伟
Supervising Producers: Zhang Cai, Zhao Bing, Ding Wei
总监制:王荣丽 李 遥
Chief Producers: Wang Rongli, Li Yao
策 划: 贾 芳 张 哲 杨建民 林 康 刘世柠 韩 琳
Producers: Jia Fang, Zhang Zhe, Yang Jianmin, Lin Kang, Liu Shining, Han Lin
监 制:贾 洋 郑 白
Executive Producers: Jia Yang, Zheng Bai
编 导:李文培 宋立芳
Choreographer-directors: Li Wenpei, Song Lifang
拍 摄:王守一
Cinematographer: Wang Shouyi
剪 辑:赵博轩
Editor: Zhao Boxuan
Script Translator: Song Lifang
指导单位: 河北省文化和旅游厅
Guiding Unit: Hebei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism
鸣谢单位:崇礼区委宣传部 太舞滑雪小镇
Special Thanks to: Publicity Department of the CPC Chongli District Committee, Thaiwoo Ski Resort
图①:山西临汾经济技术开发区兴荣供应链有限公司的货车整装待发。资料图片 图②:司机王勇平驾驶货车行驶在
正在进行围封或强制检测的葵涌邨居民在登记(资料照片)。新华社发新华社香港2月6日电 题:凝聚香港社会共克时艰
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